Monday, July 28, 2008

Cysts {sorry this maybe gross}

Ok so starting today I am back to Little to NO Gluten. In the past 14 days I have had more Gluten then i think my body would car to have in a year, let alone 2 weeks time. So here I am 14 days later covered in skin cysts, with a backed up digestive system, an agitated industrial, and I am 90% sure anemia has set in [for more then one reason].

My stats not super dupper today. I have a fever, a migriane, am super achy, and the beast has set in. I also, if i did not say so before, COVERED in skin cysts, and they are now all beginning to break! I close tonight, and think i may go off the deep end.

As for fulfilling eating GF, I am doing very well today. I have had my morning latte, 2 bananas, spinach and cheese omelet, brown rice pasta, tilapia, and a ton of garlic [yummy]. Not planning anythign for later yet, as my tummy feels like it will explode, in pain, right now.

PS I have cysts [can you tell i am mad about them!]